These are examples of companies that realize the potential of this platform and invest in it. They have very extensive profiles and are regularly active on the platform, which contributes to building astay up to date with what's new in the world of Digital & E-commerce? Join our group of followers on LinkedIn! – The Digitalx profile already brings together over , specialists in the field of E-commerce & Digital. Marketing for a small business – where to start? JULY , BY KLAUDIADIGITAL MARKETING In a competitive business environment.
Small businesses must focus on effective marketing strategies to attract customers, increase brand moible number data awareness and generate sales. Marketing plays a key role in growth, enabling them to reach their target group, build customer loyalty and achieve success in the market. The impact of marketing on the development of small businesses Marketing gives you the opportunity to increase your visibility among your competitors. Through appropriate promotion and communication strategies, companies can reach their target group and provide valuable information about their products or services. Effective marketing activities help build and increase awareness.

Additionally, marketing allows you to identify and use your unique features and competitive advantages. By using appropriate tools and strategies, they can stand out from other companies and attract the attention of potential customers. Effective marketing activities can contribute to increased sales, increased market share and development. Effective planning of marketing activities Effective planning of marketing activities is necessary to achieve intended goals and effectively use available resources. For small businesses, which often have limited budgets and staff.