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Enough to significantly









Rank: 1

發表於 2023-11-27 14:48:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Whether it's an essay, a novel or an advertising campaign, the rule is always the same: if your writing isn't understood you're crying in the desert. It is words that create relationships. And if these are delegated to rough, listless writing, they lose all their power, that of uniting people together or of uniting people and brands , in the case of advertising writing. So, are we sure that the texts of a site, the messages of a new advertising campaign.

The Tone of Voice of a brand should not be studied and treated with the utmost attention? Copywriting: what are we talking about? Its field of application is marketing communication, its medium is words: copywriting is C Level Contact List the activity of writing advertising texts and content that form the voice of a brand . Each brand "speaks" to potential customers with the aim of converting them into actual customers and speaks.

Actual customers with the aim of making them increasingly loyal. Words build and bind and the objective of this dialogue is only one: to convey a message in the most direct way possible, leaving no room for doubt. The surgical choice of words produces clarity, clarity produces actions, be it sales, following on social media, filling out a form. But be careful, playing with writing means walking on a tightrope: if you make a false step you fall.


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